Vendors' Operational Terms and Conditions

Below are the core and pre-operational terms and conditions. We will update as we go on.

S2P Marketplace Advantage

As a vendor, you will be able to experience the overboard advantages, convenience, and ease of fnfSwap’s deep-level marketing, advertising, and freelance client referrals.

Furthermore, fnfSwap may also offer other marketing services, but not limited to, enhanced and paid advertisement to land more clients.

It is worth noting that fnfSwap reserves the right in its sole discretion to adjust, suspend or discontinue the vendor’s partnership without notice or liability (which, of course, the concerns will be related to you).

So, basically, some of the fnfSwap’s features, benefits and services are free, while others might require an extra fee. All of which the vision shall be shared with you (as a digital vendor).

Using fnfSwap

You understand and agree that fnfSwap and its S2B marketplace are private communities, and therefore, fnfSwap reserves the right to provide service or refuse service to any client or user or to accept or reject vendors/affiliates on any basis, in its sole discretion.

Becoming an S2B Vendor

As already stated, you understand and endorse that fnfSwap and its S2B marketplace are private communities, and therefore, fnfSwap reserves the right to provide service or refuse service to any client or user or to accept or reject vendors/affiliates on any basis in its sole discretion.

To be eligible to become a vendor on the fnfSwap marketplace, you must complete an application to register and pay the required registration/signup fees.

We will require you to provide us with details sufficient for fnfSwap to determine if you qualify to be a vendor, and if you are acceptable.

To qualify, you must be at least 18 years old, and you must provide your real name and current/accurate and verifiable contact information. You must not have a criminal history, or fnfSwap reserves the right to reject your application and will suspend services with you when you express such an attribute.

Therefore, you understand and agree to provide only truthful information and to always keep such information current.

Kindly note that if the information provided by you to fnfSwap is inaccurate, it may result in delays in accepting you and could result in permanent suspension of services with you. Why?

Because where it is discovered that misleading or inaccurate information is provided, in addition to what this clause already provided, fnfSwap shall not be liable for any action of the Vendor and reserves the right to seek appropriate legal redress.

In summary, to be approved to partner with fnfSwap as an S2B vendor, you must agree to these terms and conditions, plus (in some cases), you must be accepted as a vendor before a client will be matched to you.

That is to say, you must out rightly fill in your fnfSwap application and profile form with valid and complete information and also pay the required registration fee to sign up as a vendor/affiliate on fnfSwap, and again, fnfSwap has the right to refuse and/or cancel any member account in its sole discretion. 

Exchange Rates

From time immemorial, fnfSwap has always perked its exchange rate below the black-market rate. This means your Dollar to Naira exchange rate cannot be lower than what is obtained on most mainstream exchanges.

For instance, if the Skrill to Naira on mainstream exchanges is ₦1,500, you can’t buy at ₦1,000/$ from clients. It must be closer to ₦1,500 but factoring in your profits and fnfSwap’s service charges.

All in all, the exchange rates must be favorable for both the freelance clients and you (the vendor).

fnfSwap’s Commission per USD/₦ Transaction  

In exchange for their efforts in marketing and advertising products carried out by fnfSwap, fnfSwap will earn a little commission determined per transaction, with the maximum USD-to-₦ commission at ₦50 ONLY.

This commission is thus to compensate for the arsenals (time, money, and structures) invested, thereby resulting in clients matching to you (for transactions) from those marketing and advertising efforts.

With a maximum USD-to-₦ commission at ₦50 ONLY, below is the fnfSwap commission gap:

  • ₦50/$ on all PayPal Transactions
  • ₦50/$ on all Payoneer Transactions.
  • ₦50/$ on all Wise Transactions.
  • ₦30/$ on all Skrill Transactions.
  • ₦30/$ on all Neteller Transactions.

Sales pages and promotional material

#1. Content Marketing:

Instead of stressing you (the vendor) in searching for clients, fnfSwap is responsible for the content marketing for every vendor.

Meaning, as a vendor, you’re just to sit back and serve matched clients in a cordial and honorable manner and make money for yourself while the heavy marketing work is done by fnfSwap.

This cause costs time and money, but the good news is that the marketing team at fnfSwap has got you covered.

#2. Web Hosting

You understand and agree that the sales page (“sales page”) promoting the content and products on the marketplace will be hosted by and on fnfSwap’s web servers.

fnfSwap will make the sales pages in the marketplace available on the internet and shall use commercially sensible efforts to maintain the availability (i.e., uptime) of such sales pages for landing clients.

However, no guarantees of uptime are made. That is to say, fnfSwap does not own or control the internet/web services and shall have no responsibility or liability for any time(s) the marketplace or specific sale pages are not accessible (i.e., “downtime”), even if your (personal) marketing or advertising efforts, product sales, or commissions are disrupted as a result of such downtime, and even if the downtime is a result of fnfSwap’s error or negligence.

#3. Monthly Matched Clients

As a vendor, fnfSwap has put all things (marketing investments) in place to make sure you get at least 1 deal per month. While your success is our success, we will make sure that all hands are on deck to get you at least a deal in 30 days (during the beginning phase). We hope for more transactions progressively.   

Also, you can canvass for clients, and the progress continues.

#4. Vendors Registration

All vendors are required to register on fnfSwap with ₦24,500 only to be listed and matched as a vendor.

Kindly note that this is a yearly, non-refundable fee and does not waive the service marketing commissions on all matched transactions.

#5. Fraud investigation & Due Diligence

Suppose fnfSwap or one of fnfSwap’s payment processors becomes aware of a potential fraud or suspected fraud in connection with any transaction related to your account. In that case, fnfSwap reserves the right to require a fraud investigation.

If such an investigation is required, all transactions on any basis WILL be held pending the investigation, whether connected to the actual or suspected fraud.

You agree that if a fraud investigation is initiated, the vendor/partner may be asked to provide additional information. You agree to cooperate with any such fraud investigation reasonably. You will be informed of the results of the investigation, and a full accounting will be provided regarding your account and any earnings/commissions due.

#6. Transaction Resolutions

As a vendor, you agree that any transaction resolutions shall be resolved within 72 hours (3 days).

Kindly note that any vendor with a high refund history or the need for transaction resolutions may be de-serviced (end partnership) from the marketplace.

fnfSwap may occasionally and at its sole discretion, decide to grant a refund beyond the product money-back guarantee period.

Because all resolutions will end up with Clients & fnfSwap, any vendor is advised to avoid all forms of transactions that may result in issues. That is to say:

  • Do not use an unverified account (bank or payment processor) for transactions.
  • Know the USD limits your account can take.
  • Make sure your account is in order.

All in all, since (as a vendor), you will always pay into fnfSwap’s account for the client to be paid. It is the proceeds of the transaction that will be used to settle any case of transaction resolutions. So, guard/guide such from happening with all your hearts.

#7. Relationship with fnfSwap

You understand and agree that by being approved as a vendor, no legal partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship is created between you and fnfSwap. Neither you nor fnfSwap is a partner, a joint venture, an agent or has any authority to obligate or bind the other. You cannot represent otherwise.

Also, you understand that fnfSwap plays the role of a business clients-allocator and middleman and does not have any official partnerships with you. This means that all forms of business can be suspended or stopped when you go against our Terms of Service.

#8. Terms of Service Updates

fnfSwap reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify this agreement, including new terms, rules, policies, and conditions (“additional terms”).

Any such additional terms are at this moment incorporated into this Agreement by this reference, and your continued status as vendor and use of the fnfSwap S2B marketplace or service will indicate your acceptance of any additional terms.

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